Pegasus Aviation Service, LLC
Shortfield Approach & Landing BACK to Index
DescriptionA short field approach and landing is accomplished at an airport with a limited runway length, unfavorable runway gradient, required downwind landing, high density altitude or a combination of these factors. The round out and flare is accomplished in a manner that allows the airplane to reach the power-off stall pitch attitude as the main landing gear touches the runway. The rollout is minimized by proper use of aerodynamic deceleration and maximum applicable use of brakes.
ObjectiveTo develop the student’s ability to safely and accurately accomplish maximum performance and precession approaches and landings.
Procedure• Prepare for landing. Complete before landing checklist. Execute downwind, and base as normal.• Stabilize the approach. Turn final at least 300 - 500 AGL. Add flaps to 30°, and then 40° as landing is assured. Maintain steeper than normal approach path. Choose an aiming point that will allow for minimal float at flare and touchdown. “Heels on the floor and back” must be verbalized by the pilot flying on short final or go-around must be initiated.• Flare and touch down. As flare begins, smoothly reduce power to idle and allow airplane to land in a fully stalled condition on the main wheels with little to no float.• Roll out. After touchdown maintain back elevator pressure for maximum aerodynamic braking. Apply maximum braking to minimize rollout without locking the brakes. This procedure should be conducted with normal braking and verbalize “maximum braking”.
ACS Standards• Complete the appropriate checklist.• Make radio calls as appropriate.• Ensure the airplane is aligned with the correct/assigned runway.• Scan the landing runway and adjoining area for traffic and obstructions.• Consider wind conditions, landing surface, obstructions, and select a suitable touchdown point.• Establish the recommended approach and landing configuration and airspeed and adjust pitch attitude and power as required to maintain a stabilized approach.• Maintain manufacturer’s published airspeed or in its absence not more than 1.3 , with gust factor applied.o Private: +10/-5 knotso Commercial: +/-5 knots• Maintain crosswind correction/directional control throughout the approach and landing.• Make smooth, timely, and correct control application during the round out and touchdown.• Touch down at proper pitch attitude, with no side drift, min float, and with airplane’s long. axis aligned with and over runway centerline.o Private: +200/-0 feeto Commercial: +100/-0 feet• Execute a timely go-around if the approach cannot be made within the tolerances specified above or for any other condition that may result in an unsafe approach or landing.