Pegasus Aviation Service, LLC
Instrument 7-10 days

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Due to weather this course is offered between March and November ONLY
Max flight time : 40 hoursMax flight simulation 15 hoursProgram length: 9 days + Checkride Day = 10 DaysCost : $12,000$5,000 Required to start. Deposit, Click this link. Remaining $7,000 must be paid 2 weeks prior to start.Jeppson Part 61 ProgramExperienced CFIIsExamination fees and books included in the price.
You and a designated instructor will work together 8 hours a day, flying each and every day. The airplane will be pre blocked out for your use so you will not be waiting for the schedule to open up.
IMPORTANT NOTE:We do not guarantee your certification. If more training is required, time and cost will be added. Endorsements Endorsements
Max flight time : 40 hoursMax flight simulation 15 hoursProgram length: 9 days + Checkride Day = 10 DaysCost : $12,000$5,000 Required to start. Deposit, Click this link. Remaining $7,000 must be paid 2 weeks prior to start.Jeppson Part 61 ProgramExperienced CFIIsExamination fees and books included in the price.
You and a designated instructor will work together 8 hours a day, flying each and every day. The airplane will be pre blocked out for your use so you will not be waiting for the schedule to open up.
IMPORTANT NOTE:We do not guarantee your certification. If more training is required, time and cost will be added. Endorsements Endorsements
Instrument Requiments
Instrument Rating
--------> Click here for the actual regulatory text
Be at least 17 years oldPass the FAA written examinationReceive Instructor's endorsementPass the FAA practical testBe able to read, speak and understand the English languageMust have logged 50 hours crosscountry as pilot in command Must have 40 hours of Instrument time also knon as under the hud, or Instrument Meterolgical Conditions, (IMC)20 hours must be with an instructor and an IFR Dual Crosscountryat least 250NM
Pegasus offers an Advanced Aviation training Device that can reduce cost by as much as 20 hours toward your training for the instrument rating.
Be at least 17 years oldPass the FAA written examinationReceive Instructor's endorsementPass the FAA practical testBe able to read, speak and understand the English languageMust have logged 50 hours crosscountry as pilot in command Must have 40 hours of Instrument time also knon as under the hud, or Instrument Meterolgical Conditions, (IMC)20 hours must be with an instructor and an IFR Dual Crosscountryat least 250NM
Pegasus offers an Advanced Aviation training Device that can reduce cost by as much as 20 hours toward your training for the instrument rating.
How to obtain an instrument rating
Prior to enrolling do the following: Complete Gleim, King, Jeppson, or ASA online ground school & Pass the Written/Knowledge Exam Purchase an Aviation Headset (preferably with ANR) Hold a valid Private Pilot Certificate Obtain a 3rd Class Medical Certificate from an AME
An example of a day in an accelerated private pilot programMeet at office at 07:30 am08:00-09:00 - 0.5-1.0 hour simulator brief09:00-10:30 - 1.5 hour simulator session10:30-10:45 - :15 minute break10:45-12:15 - 1hr 30 min simulator session12:15-13:15 – Lunch break and instructor debrief of simulator session14:00-1700 – Flight Training in the airplaneStudents will be expected to review the days lesson and prepare for the next during at home/hotel study. Some days will be more simulator than the airplane and others more airplane than the simulator, it just depends on the progress of the student.
***PRIOR TO FLIGHT TRAINING***All you need is an Ipad and download and subscribe to ForeFlight. That’s all you need to get started.
Optional: Hood
Checklist are provided by Pegasus, each airplane has a specific checklist for is unique configurations
Fuel tester
Flight computer
Low altitude charts
Buy these Charts L 1, L 2, L 3, L 9, L 11, L13 Or Download L 1, L 2, L 3, L 9, L 11, L13
NW & SW approach charts The F.A.A. does not make it easy to bulk download, see link.
Download these books/files: Cessna 172 POH Instrument Procedures Handbook Instrument Flying Handbook Airman’s Certification Standards IFR NAVLOG and FLIGHT PLAN FORM Download ForeFlight and subscribe to services
Training Video: IFR cross country Approach charts DPs and STARs Enroute Charts Holding Procedures 1 Holding Procedures 2 Watch The Finer Points videos thoughout your training. Watch Pegasus training videos
Flight simulator exercises: Practice all maneuvers and procedures at home alongside with your flight lessons Fly along on the simulator with the appropriate videos from FlyAOAMedia
Instructor simulator sessions - These are examples of scenarios that will be flown in the simulator Depart KCVO RWY 17, Departure SHEDD3.SHEDD, hold SHEDD, KCVO VOR 17 with missed as published to SHEDD, radar vectors, KCVO VOR 17 Partial Panel Depart KCVO RWY 17, VECTORS ILS 17 with full missed, hold at SHEDD. Radar vectors to CRAAF, full RNAV (GPS) 17 to full missed hold at CRAAF There are many scenarios, these are a few, we will fly to other airports also.
Checkride Oral Study Guides: Purchase this instrument checkride oral prep book
Also review:
IFR Quick Review Oral Exam Prep
Watch these IFR checkride prep videos: Checkride prep 1 IFR Checkride BootCamp Checkride prep 2 Your Instrument Check Ride Revealed by Andy Munnis, DPE Checkride prep 3 What to Expect On Your Instrument Pilot Checkride, MzeroA Checkride prep 4 Leslie Henninger, DPE, on the Instrument Checkride
Checkride Prep: Verify you meet the requirements for the Instrument Checkride Apply for an Instrument Pilot Certificate